My name is John Bernier, I am an artist and shipwright from the great little state of Rhode Island.

What is myInspiration

Growing up in the ocean state I was born with a deep connection to the water and everything it touches.

Inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender, the names of the two koi fish are Tui representing the moon and La the ocean, they balance each other in an eternal dance.

Charles W. Morgan

Charles W. Morgan as described by a friend and fellow shipwright who worked on her restoration. He pictured a drawing of the Morgan as if she had a whale impression on its hull, this is how I interrupted his vision.

Brief History

The Charles W. Morgan is an American whaling ship built in 1841 that was active during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Ships of this type were used to harvest the blubber of whales for whale oil. The whale you see on her hull is a sperm whale which was highly targeted in the early 19th centuries.

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